Journalism is represented by all types of human creativity – scientific, artistic, journalistic. The first two types are not basic for journalistic knowledge of reality, but are reflected in the media. Scientific information is necessary for the formation of a true picture of the world in the historical, economic, political and other aspects that require correct knowledge oriented towards the latest achievements of civilization. The place of their publication is not only popular science magazines and programs, but also universal media. Fiction broadcasting is widely represented on television and radio, in literary publications dedicated to literature and art.
The journalistic form of creativity remains the leading one in journalism. In the theory of mass media, the question of the content of the concept of “journalism” is still open. Some researchers attribute exclusively artistic and journalistic genres to journalism, others are guided by the framework established by the journalistic functional style, and still others consider any text intended for the media to be journalism.

Like art, journalism realizes itself in various genre forms. Genre is a relatively stable structural and content organization of the text, conditioned by a peculiar reflection of reality and the nature of the creator’s attitude to it. The genres of printing, for example, according to the tradition coming from the Soviet theory of journalism, are usually divided into two large groups: informational (note, interview, reportage, report) and analytical (article, review, commentary). In some cases, the division occurs into three groups – from the number of analytical ones, artistic and journalistic ones are isolated – an essay, a pamphlet.